A Couple of Games (Curveball and Copter)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Blog Explaining My Storymabob
Come Monday morning, I was absolutely crapping myself (not literally) because I knew we would only be allowed about about 20 minutes to touch our stories up. I heard that our teacher was annoyed at Aleisha who had written 820 words, so I was worried. But I relaxed a little when I saw the Seamus had written literally about 20,000 words.
I went to the classroom next door to use the computers and refined my story. I typed up a quick ending, and I came up with a way to describe my story.
Long beginning, no middle, short end.
I also came up with a reason.
Ran out of space and time.
I was absolutely astonished when our teacher handed out the marks. I had got an Excellence! I was overjoyed and a little puzzled, when the teacher began "Luke-", but I cut her off and said "Long beginning, no middle, short end?". She nodded and continued handing out marks to other people.
Future of the Whangaparaoa Peninsula (creative writing)
I gave no further thought to the matter, as I had to get to the site as quickly as possible otherwise we might lose too much of our oxygen into the deep abyss of space. Additionally, if any radiation from Blast 904 got through we were screwed. Big time. It would mean filtration, and that wasn’t easy. It takes about 6 full days to do, and in which time all the residents of The Peninsula would have to remain indoors and wear safety masks, because if anyone came into contact with even a milligram of it, they would die.
I scrambled out of my pod and threw on my radiation suit like a madman. As I rushed past the door I snatched a quick glance at the calendar. 19th November 2452, Earth Time. It was the 6th anniversary of the Break-Off. The date when the Whangaparaoa Peninsula broke off from New Zealand (literally) and became an independent nation. It also happened to be the 2nd anniversary of the execution of The Mission. The secret plan to send the whole Peninsula into space, and land on the colony on Jupiter. The mission that was said to take 2 years and 1 day to complete. That was tomorrow. Everything was going to plan, and we are set to land on Jupiter within the next 24 hours.
I ran down the metal corridors, my feet making an ever persistent Clang! every time they hit the ground. I cautiously stepped into The Chute, careful not to bump anything. I quickly punched in the code C7, and I immediately got sucked down feet first into the tube that was just wide enough to fit me. I have been doing this for years, but still nothing compares to zooming along at the speed of light (well not really, but close to it anyway!) and feeling all my troubles disappear. It gives me a sense of freedom. It makes me forget about the cruel world that lies outside our dome and all the people that didn’t survive, or all the ones that are still suffering. Flying through the tube like a bullet, with the artificial wind resistance in my hair makes me feel like one of those bird things that you see in the artificial textbooks.
As I screeched to and exited the chute, I noticed my best friend and wok colleague already working on the leak. He always got there first. His name is Grodfrond and he is an Outsider (we can’t say alien anymore) from planet Carebon 6. He is about 7 feet tall, has a large orange head and blue scales. His eyes are as big as the moon (not quite literally), and he has a long, bulbous nose. He had only come onto the Peninsula a day before we launched into space. He had escaped from his home planet where he was treated like a slave. He almost never talks, but when he does he talks about his home planet and how we pretty much saved his life. He was the most humble, caring, kind being that could exist, and I believe that the human race could learn a lot from his example. He was playing his part so well, no-one suspected a thing. . .
I was so concentrated on fixing the leak that I barely noticed the two large men in big, black suits approaching Grodfrond and grabbing his arms. I finished repairing the leak and turned around. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?!” I yelled, wondering why they would want to arrest someone so innocent. The men in suits refused to answer and remained pushing Grodfrond into their vehicle. They slammed the door and one of the men approached me. “You're friend has been convicted of the attempted sabotage of The Mission. He is the one causing the leaks. He was sent here from his home planet to sabotage our mission and kill everyone aboard the Peninsula.” Before I could respond and stand up for his innocence the man walked to his vehicle and took off, leaving there with a million emotions going through my head.
1 week later
The man wasn’t lying. Grodfrond was guilty and everything he had told me was a lie. How could that happen? How could I be fooled so easily? As punishment Grodfrond got banished from the Peninsula, not that it would do much good, as he would just return to his home planet. We were now safely on Jupiter, ready to start our new life, hopefully without deception and chaos.
By Luke Taylor
Sunday, June 29, 2008
List of Books that I Need to Read
The new Percy Jackson book is coming out soon, and every time a new book comes out in a series I have to read the whole series again from the start. So it has got me thinking about other books I should read, and other series that I haven't read before or not for a long time. So I thought I would write a list on my blog of all I books I need to read, and in the order that I am going to read them. (P.S. As you may have guessed, I have given up reading the Lord of the Rings for the time being. I will put it on my list though.)
- Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
- Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters
- Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse
- Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth (new)
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Reptile Room
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Wide Window
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Miserable Mill
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Austere Academy
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Vile Village
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Hostile Hospital
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Carnivorous Carnival
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Slippery Slope
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Grim Grotto
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Penultimate Peril
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The End
- The Golden Compass/The Northern Lights
- The Subtle Knife
- The Amber Spyglass
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Horse and His Boy
- The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle
- Stormbreaker
- Point Blanc
- Skeleton Key
- Eagle Strike
- Scorpia
- Ark Angel
- Snakehead
- Deltora Quest: The Forests of Silence
- Deltora Quest: The Lake of Tears
- Deltora Quest: City of the Rats
- Deltora Quest: The Shifting Sands
- Deltora Quest: Dread Mountain
- Deltora Quest: The Maze of the Beast
- Deltora Quest: The Valley of the Lost
- Deltora Quest: Return to Del
- Deltora Quest 2: The Cavern of the Fear
- Deltora Quest 2: The Isle of Illusion
- Deltora Quest 2: The Shadowlands
- Deltora Quest 3: Dragon's Nest
- Deltora Quest 3: Shadowgate
- Deltora Quest 3: Isle of the Dead
- Deltora Quest 3: The Sister of the South
- The Hobbit
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
- The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
- The Lord of the Rings: Appendices
- The Davinci Code
- Artemis Fowl
- Artemis Fowl: The Seventh Dwarf
- Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident
- Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code
- Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception
- Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony
- Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox (new)
- The Bartimaeus Trilogy: The Amulet of Samarkand
- The Bartimaeus Trilogy: The Golem's Eye
- The Bartimaeus Trilogy: Ptolemy's Gate
Wow. That is a lot of books. 72 to be exact. I wonder how long it will take me to read them all. Years perhaps. I will underline the name of the book once I have read it, so I can easily monitor my progress. I will also probably add more books to the list eventually. I will put the book name in bold when I have started reading it, italics when I am halfway through and I will underline it when I am done. I will also write a review of the book on my blog when I am done.
Midnight Blogging
I am tired, bored, and my eyes hurt. I don't really know why I am writing a blog entry past midnight, I really don't. I could just go to bed so I can wake up for Alice in Wonderland rehearsal but no, I decided to write a blog entry instead. I don't even have anything to blog about so it is pretty much completely pointless. Maybe in a few years time I will read this entry and think 'Now why the hell did I write that?' Then I would remember that I was a crazy mushroom muncher from Mars. Yeah I don't know what I'm talking about either.
1:01 am
I am still tired. My eyes still hurt. Maybe I should go to sleep. Or maybe I shouldn't. I don't know. If you are reading this entry you are wasting your time, because I certainly am. I guess I should go downstairs and crawl into bed, falling asleep before my head hits the pillow.
Oh crap, my mum is home. BYE!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I think that smoking should be illegal. What does it do apart from shorten our lives and waste our money? I have thought on this topic for quite a long time, and I think it is finally time for me to speak out.
I am sick of walking down the street all the time, walk past a person that is smoking and catch a big whiff of smoke. Just think of all the toxins going into my body! I have even resorted to holding my breath each time I see someone smoking, then finally breathing out when I am far away from the source. I don't want to breathe in the smoke and tobacco that emits from the mouth of these selfish beings. That's right, I said they were selfish. They are depleting the ozone layer for absolutely no reason apart from their own enjoyment, and then they exhale and force us to breathe in their waste. It's unacceptable.
I don't have anything against the person that smokes, as it is not completely their fault. The sale of tobacco should have been outright banned years ago, before it became a part of life for people. Now it is too late, and if it gets banned now it will just cause a lot of strife. It will open up mass black markets to distribute the stuff, and it will involve lots of more people to go to jail or have charges laid on them. It will also cause some people to go out of their minds, the people that are addicted. They will go insane and that will cause large problems for the government and other social services.
Ever since I was young I decided that I would not smoke. Never let myself get hooked. I decided that once I was past the age of 20 I would try a cigarette and then never touch one again. I say over 20 because apparently people that age have a lot more self control than teenagers do, which will hopefully stop me getting addicted.
I love life. I can't imagine not living. I would like to believe in reincarnation but I just can't see it happening. That means we have one shot at life. One chance to get it right. I want to live my life to the absolute full, and not leave anything out. There are no second chances at life. You just have to do what you can with the opportunities are given. I always get annoyed when I see people throwing away their life, their only chance, by smoking, binge drinking, drugs etc. They are just letting their lives waste away, not doing anything productive. I can sort of understand their thinking though. That is probably be their idea of living their life to the full. Too bad they don't realise what they are actually doing to themselves.
I want to make sure that I don't waste my life. I don't want to be one of those people that grow up, get married, and die. I want to do something special with my life that gets remembered, leaves my mark on this Earth. I'm not sure what for or how I am going to do it, but I will do it somehow.
I am at an age at the moment where my future is still greatly undetermined. I am at an age where a lot of what I do will effect my future. If I screw up now, don't focus at school, I will find it hard to to back on the rails. If I decide to become rebellious, it could mean that I won't end up getting into a good NCEA class, leading to not going into university, leading to not getting a good job. I have to make sure that I live my life right, and make sure I don't throw away my life.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Some people honestly have no life. My high score is only 5412. This guy over doubled my score. I repeat, NO LIFE!
As for my other option, I have hardly any clue. I could possibly do a sports science degree, but I am not really sure what that includes. I can't really think of anything else that I can do, as I don't have any ideas for a career path.
University is very important to me. My mum didn't go to uni when she was young, and she very much regreted it when she wanted to get her degree just a few years ago. She said that is was much harder to learn and remember things as an oldie, rather than a youth. I am not going to make the same mistake, and I am going to get my education out of the way so I can live the rest of my life.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Boston Celtics. New NBA Champions!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Well, yes! But nooooooooooooooooooooo!. Yes!, because the Boston Celtics have won the NBA finals for the first time in 21 years. Noooooooooooooooooooo!, because I missed the whole freakin game because I was at school and had Alice in Wonderland rehearsal after school. The whole time I was at the rehearsal I was fidgeting restlessly, hoping with all my heart that the Lakers could beat the Celtics, forcing the game 7 on Friday so I could watch the whole game. But luck wasn't on my side. The Celtics absolutely annihilated the Lakers in a 131-92 victory. And the replay is on at finishes at midnight tonight, and I can't watch it because I have to get up early tomorrow for another rehearsal! I can't even record it because my mum hasn't set up our DVD recorder so we can't record anything on SKY!!!!!!!
Oh well, I am happy that the Celtics won, and that Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce finally have their first championship rings. Pierce got the well-deserved Most Valuable Player award for the finals, and fans all over Boston are cheering for joy.
10 Years Time
After we have travelled to all (or most) of the countries, whoever I am travelling with and I will settle down in one country for a few years (probably the UK or the USA. Over there I will use my knowledge and experience to get a good job and earn lots of money.
After a few years I will move back to New Zealand to the Whangaparaoa Peninsula to settle down and start a family and stuff. I will probably go back to school and get my Doctorate in whatever.
I would also like to go somewhere with my basketball. It would be great to represent my country in the sport, or even make it into the NBA. If something like that did happen, I would probably have to put my travel and education on hold which will be quite hard. It is really important to me that I go to university and get my education, because I know I will regret it later in life if I don't.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This is my work on Zimbabwe for my Social Studies homework.
Zimbabwe is located in the southern part of Africa and it is surrounded by land in all directions (or landlocked). To it’s northwest is Zambia, to the east is Mozambique, Botswana to the south and South Africa to the south. The majority of people in Zimbabwe speak Shona, which is one of two native languages in Zimbabwe, although the official language of the country is English.
Zimbabwe used to be called Southern Rhodesia and it was controlled by the United Kingdom, up until after the civil war. On the 18th of April 1980, the country became an independent nation. It got it’s new name of Zimbabwe, a new flag, and a government led by Robert Mugabe. Mugabe became Prime Minister and Canaan Banana became the first president. In 1988 the government abolished the prime ministerial office, and Robert Mugabe became president. In 2000, Robert Mugabe began to reclaim land from the white population (mainly farmland) and redistributed it out to 250,000 Africans.
Zimbabwe is currently experiencing a shortage of funds, which has led to causing shortages of imported fuel and goods, and also hyperinflation. Critics blame it on Mugabe’s land reclamation programme.
· The capital of Zimbabwe is Harare, and it is also the largest city.
· Its total area is 390,757 km squared. The 60th largest in the world. Only 1%of the land is water.
· Zimbabwe’s population is 20,010,000. The 68th largest in the world.
· GDP= $400,000,000,000. The 80th largest in the world
· GDP Per Capita= $188. The 178th largest in the world.
· Zimbabwe’s motto is “Unity, Freedom, Work”
Monday, June 16, 2008
I am Bored
Billy the man frog lives on a banana. One day he lifted up a nose hair and spanked the giant monkey from across the road. Little did he know, that his dried up goober brain cheese ball was rolling in the dragon, and that it was screaming a song full of tranquilisers and boogers. People from the 19th century used to keep lollipops in their butt holes to keep them warm in the winter, even though it is illegal on other planets. Helicopters from Pluto like to dance on evil monkey sausage men on Sundays, maybe even stopping in time t lick the evil marshmallow anvils from hell. Gregory the Sasquatch likes to play in the sand with no clothes on. I strongly advise you to close your eyes when you are around, otherwise you might just get too excited. Or as Mr. Tubby puts it best "Did you see what she said?". Meowie was a mushroom burger and sleeps on the moon frog if the floor is wet.
Wow. That was weird. Well I managed to kill 10 minutes. Bye!
Putting Videos On Blogs
I guess I went a little bit overboard by putting 3 videos on in a row, but those are the videos that I have been wanting to put on for for a long time. You should really check out the videos I put on, they are great! They are some awsome dunks from some of my favourite players.
Now I am going to enjoy blogging much more, withthe knowledge that I can put videos on it that will contribute to making my blog a bit more interesting.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Right now the Under 15 team consists of. . .
Point Guards= Kale, Chris, Jamie, Daniel
Wings= Connor, Sam, Jacob, Alex
Posts= Andrew, Matt, Marco, Clark, Joe, Ryan and myself.
We are currently in the Intercity tournament which has been going on every Saturday for the past few weeks. We have won every game except our last game against Massey our rival. Tomorrow we are playing against Harbour B which will be a tough game, and we will have to work really hard to win.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Limh is pronounced like 'lime'. If you are reading this maybe you could use it aswell! And if people ask you what it means you tell them, then you tell them what I am telling you right now.
The NBA Finals
- My second favourite player (Kevin Garnett) is in the team
- They have not won an NBA championship since 1986
Lately I haven't talked to anyone that wants the Lakers to win, which I find quite surprising because the team is very popular. I don't really mind if the Lakers win but I would prefer it the Celtics won. The Lakers used to be my favourite team, back when they had Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant, Gary Payton, Karl Malone and Derek Fisher. But then Payton and Malone retired and Shaq got traded to the Miami Heat. The Heat then became my favourite team and they won a championship in 2006. But then Shaq got traded to the Phoenix Suns and the Heat are at the bottom of the whole NBA.
I want the Celtics to win the next two games so the game will go to game five and the final will be in the weekend. If the Lakers win any more games, that means that the final game will be on school day and I will have to beg my mum to let me stay home and watch it. don't think she will let me but its worth a try.
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Best Experience I could have with a Reliever
I slammed my hand on the button to stop my alarm, then I groaned and rolled over. Did I really have to go to school today. I studied the rays of light emitting from the crack between the curtains, and I wished that my day would turn out the same: Something fun coming through the tediousness. I stumbled out of bed and ripped open the curtains. I recoiled as my eyes adjusted to the new light, and I felt around for my watch. As I clasped it around my wrist, I glanced at my time-table and noticed that I had an all-day English class today. Ugh! A whole day of English? Not my cup of tea really. And what makes it worse was our old bat of a teacher Mrs Grendelburgermoffensteinerhugelsquagenburg. Think about the worst, most boring teacher you have ever had. Got the image in your head? Good. Now times that by 10. That's how bad she is. The poor lady doesn't even speak fluent English!
I quickly got changed into my school uniform and rushed out the door, managing a quick "Bye Mum!" before I left. I looked at my watch. 8.39. Not too bad. I only live five minutes from the school, so I guess I wouldn't be late this time. Well I hope so. I wouldn't like to think of what Mrs Grendelburgermoffensteinerhugelsquagenburg would do to me if I was late. I strolled into class, trying to make myself look as cool as possible, and maybe even to impress my crush: Salmon.
Salmon was one of those great girls that can always take a joke, and that always has a smile on her face. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever met, on the inside as well as the outside. What I mean by that is not that she has sexy intestines, but that she has an awesome personality. I reckon that it is looks that makes you like a person, but personality that makes you love them. I guess that means I love her, and yet I had never even plucked up the courage to say hi to her. She is way out of my league, and there is no chance in hell that I would ever get the chance to go out with her. So I guess for now I will just admire her from afar, and hope that one day I will be brave enough to strike up a conversation with her.
I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that Mrs Grendelburgermoffensteinerhugelsquagenburg wasn't even at her desk! Instead it was some young looking dude with cool sunnies and board shorts. From the moment he started talking I knew we weren't in for an ordinary day. He had one of those cool American surfer accents, and he started going on about the work that we were going to do today. He started listing the the activities, and my heart dropped. Five essays, three creative writing stories, four poems and nine worksheets. Just thinking about all that made my brain hurt, and I couldn't imagine what will happen when I try to do them. I was nearly about to cry when our reliever started looking at us weird and then said "Um. . . I was just joking." The class erupted into laughter. I was sooo relieved! I guess that's why the call him a reliever. The class quietened down so the teacher could speak again. "Instead, we shall be playing outside all day on the basketball courts all day, and then I will buy you all Subway for lunch.
Everybody had smiles on their faces as we made our way out to the basketball court. We were all talking about how cool this teacher was, if anyone would ask him if he could permanently replace Mrs Grendelburgermoffensteinerhugelsquagenburg. I bet that thought was on everybodies mind, even though it was so outlandish and unlikely.
The guy handed out the basketballs and we just mucked around with them for what felt like an hour when the surfer dude yelled "Lunch time!". I looked at my watch and it was already 1:30! How could this be? Could we really have been playing that long? I guess time flies when your having fun! I chowed down on my Subway sandwich and savoured the taste of all the different ingredients. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Everyone just loved the surfer dude.
After we finished our lunch the teacher announced that we were going to go back to the classroom to chill out. Everyone got up to leave and so did I, when the surfer dude called me over. "That girl over there," he said, pointing at Salmon. "You have a thing for her don't you? You have been staring at her for the whole lunch break." I sat there in silence. "Yeah I thought so." He said. "You really should talk to her, if you want to get with her I mean. It's no use admiring someone from afar. I learnt that the hard way." He stared into the sky, lost in his memories. "Let's go back to class. Everyone will be having too much fun without us." And with that he stood up and strode towards the classroom.
On my way back to the class I made up my mind. I was going to talk to Salmon. I made my way into the class and there she was. Sitting with her friends at the desk. I edged my towards her. I opened my mouth to say something but before I could she said "Hi Patrick." I felt my face going hot and I couldn't manage to utter a word. I looked at her friends snickering around her, and I began to wonder how such a nice girl hangs out with ones so nasty. I managed to mumble something about the weather as I turned around and sat over at my desk. There I sat, lost in thought for hours. Not responding to anyone that talked to me.
I had done it. At last I managed to talk to Salmon. This was truly the best experience I could have with a reliever. This day will be stuck in my mind for years to come.