I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored right now. I am just waiting for Desperate Housewives to come on (Shut up! It's actually a very manly programme!) ad I have nothing to do except blog. Dang. I have run out of blog ideas. I know, why don't I just write some random sentences, and see what comes out.
Billy the man frog lives on a banana. One day he lifted up a nose hair and spanked the giant monkey from across the road. Little did he know, that his dried up goober brain cheese ball was rolling in the dragon, and that it was screaming a song full of tranquilisers and boogers. People from the 19th century used to keep lollipops in their butt holes to keep them warm in the winter, even though it is illegal on other planets. Helicopters from Pluto like to dance on evil monkey sausage men on Sundays, maybe even stopping in time t lick the evil marshmallow anvils from hell. Gregory the Sasquatch likes to play in the sand with no clothes on. I strongly advise you to close your eyes when you are around, otherwise you might just get too excited. Or as Mr. Tubby puts it best "Did you see what she said?". Meowie was a mushroom burger and sleeps on the moon frog if the floor is wet.
Wow. That was weird. Well I managed to kill 10 minutes. Bye!