A Couple of Games (Curveball and Copter)

Blog Games

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I think that smoking should be illegal. What does it do apart from shorten our lives and waste our money? I have thought on this topic for quite a long time, and I think it is finally time for me to speak out.

I am sick of walking down the street all the time, walk past a person that is smoking and catch a big whiff of smoke. Just think of all the toxins going into my body! I have even resorted to holding my breath each time I see someone smoking, then finally breathing out when I am far away from the source. I don't want to breathe in the smoke and tobacco that emits from the mouth of these selfish beings. That's right, I said they were selfish. They are depleting the ozone layer for absolutely no reason apart from their own enjoyment, and then they exhale and force us to breathe in their waste. It's unacceptable.

I don't have anything against the person that smokes, as it is not completely their fault. The sale of tobacco should have been outright banned years ago, before it became a part of life for people. Now it is too late, and if it gets banned now it will just cause a lot of strife. It will open up mass black markets to distribute the stuff, and it will involve lots of more people to go to jail or have charges laid on them. It will also cause some people to go out of their minds, the people that are addicted. They will go insane and that will cause large problems for the government and other social services.

Ever since I was young I decided that I would not smoke. Never let myself get hooked. I decided that once I was past the age of 20 I would try a cigarette and then never touch one again. I say over 20 because apparently people that age have a lot more self control than teenagers do, which will hopefully stop me getting addicted.

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This is going to be quite a deep blog entry about life.

I love life. I can't imagine not living. I would like to believe in reincarnation but I just can't see it happening. That means we have one shot at life. One chance to get it right. I want to live my life to the absolute full, and not leave anything out. There are no second chances at life. You just have to do what you can with the opportunities are given. I always get annoyed when I see people throwing away their life, their only chance, by smoking, binge drinking, drugs etc. They are just letting their lives waste away, not doing anything productive. I can sort of understand their thinking though. That is probably be their idea of living their life to the full. Too bad they don't realise what they are actually doing to themselves.

I want to make sure that I don't waste my life. I don't want to be one of those people that grow up, get married, and die. I want to do something special with my life that gets remembered, leaves my mark on this Earth. I'm not sure what for or how I am going to do it, but I will do it somehow.

I am at an age at the moment where my future is still greatly undetermined. I am at an age where a lot of what I do will effect my future. If I screw up now, don't focus at school, I will find it hard to to back on the rails. If I decide to become rebellious, it could mean that I won't end up getting into a good NCEA class, leading to not going into university, leading to not getting a good job. I have to make sure that I live my life right, and make sure I don't throw away my life.